
  • Life Ramblings,  Personal

    2021 First Post!

    Hey hey hey! It’s been a while and I apologize to missed blogging some special events. Well believe me, I have the urge to update but when I’m in front of my laptop, I get so lazy I just sleep…

  • Personal,  Work-Related

    Two Weeks

    Hey hey hey! Waddup!!! 😀 It’s been a while I know but here I am again updating my blog because 2 weeks ago, I was able to experience outside world like a normal working person again! So we were asked…

  • Personal

    Life Lately…

    Hello. What else can I say but yes, hello to you again my dear blog, it’s been a while 🙂 Finally had the motivation to update you. Been wanting to do so but I just can’t get in the mood…

  • Personal


    Hello! It’s been a while~ I haven’t been blogging since last September? I stopped right after my trip to Indonesia and after that I have several events and topics to blog about but unfortunately I was lazy enough to do…